A Musical Trip to West Africa
Traditional West African music is not just one type of music. Today we will explore two different types. Let's begin this musical journey by watching the Northern Illinois University School of Music's percussion ensemble perform a version of the music from a traditional African dance called Zaouli . The next stop on this trip is to watch the dance performed in a traditional setting. While it is not completely clear when or by whom this song was written, it originates from the Ivory Coast region of West Africa. Ivory Coast is also known as the country of Côte d'Ivoire. Like much traditional West African music, Zaouli is well known for its rhythmic properties and its use of percussion instruments. Doris Green, in a book called African Dance: An Artistic, Historical, and Philosophical Inquiry, wrote, "The dance activity is essentially fast movements of the feet dictated by the rhythm of the drums for the Zaouli figure." Sometimes these rhythms are polyrhythmic in na...