Introduction to My Musical Adventures Blog


My name is Hannah and I love music. Listening to it and playing it are both so much fun! Although I really enjoy music, I also enjoy learning about the world around me. That is why I am studying mechanical engineering at UAF. Also, I like to spend time exploring the outdoors with my family and friends. While I write this blog, I am looking forward to discovering the musical world more. Below is a picture of Denali from one of my adventures with my family.

One of my favorite parts about music is being able to play it myself. When I was in eighth grade, I began learning to play the piano, and I have enjoyed improving my skills since then. I also like listening to music. In addition to the music I listen to every day, the two concerts I have attended were both wonderful. While my favorite artist or song changes often, below is an example of the type of music I listen to most.

For another example of music I listen to, please click here. Enjoy!


  1. Awesome picture of Denali! I like the Chris Tomlin video too. Nice job!

  2. That's so cool that you play piano! what styles do you like to play?

    1. Thanks! I mostly play hymns, Christian worship songs, and classical music.


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